Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh Shit!

pendrive aku yg x penah2 masuk visus dah dmasuki virus!!
ni sumer gara2 komputer lab la.
sbb tu ak x nak guna komputer lab!! LANGSUNG! NEVER!
aku bbtul bengang tadi!
rasa cam nak letupkan je sumer komputer kat KPTM IPOH ni!!
anti virus pun xde! Truk btul!
sir punya pasal la. apsal la BAKA sangat ha??
x kasi student bwak masuk laptop lak.
katanya tkut student curik online.
AAhhh!! hontou ni BAKA!!! bukannya aku x dgr ape yg ko ckp pun!
lecturer lain x kisah pun!
CEREWET BetuL lah!!!
aku dh fobia sbb penah pendrive yg aku
cucuk kt komputer kptm ni msuk virus trojan.
x bleh nk buang. sampai komputer aku kena format!!!
ni plak pendrive 4gb aku jd mangsa!!

aku nak BOMB sumer Komputer lab kt kptm ni!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Some people will be your friend,
Because of whom u know,
Some people will be your friend,
Because of your position,
Some people will be your friend,
Because the way you look,
Some people will be your friend,
Because your possession,
But the only real friends,
Are the people who will be your friend,
Because they like you for how you are inside,
Thank you for being
One of the very few people in my life,
Who is a real friend!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cuti H1N1

ari ni kolej aku cuti semiggu!!!

apalagi, sebab H!N! laa..


tapi yg tak bestnye ak kena siapkan projek aku..


Thursday, July 16, 2009


Dah sem 3!!!

baru aku nak update aku punya accout DA tuh..

aku malas laaa.

sila la tengok..

sebab nak kena komen dalam BI.

aku bukannya terrer sgt BI ni.

aku lemah grammar je..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kodomo Bento

18 march 2009

My friend made a mistakes ordering Kodomo Bento XD

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where is Bus..

so bored..
i wait 4 my bus coming
i'm waiting for 1 hour

i wish i can draw sumtin'

Monday, March 9, 2009

*28 February 2009*
Ahhhh… banyaknya assignment nak kena buat =A=!!
IDTM, DPM, IMD, and PM!!
This all crazy!! Semester nie yg paling banyak assignment. Huhuhuhu
X tau la semester depan macam mana >M<

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Febuari 2009
baru2 nie aku dapat result math test aku..
Huhuhu..TTMTT teruk, (cukup2 makan je) mcam biasa aku lemah dalam math. Adik aku tgok markah aku and dia kata.. “hahaha.. macam DameTsuna!”

Ahhhhhhhhh Noooooo~~~~~~
(tp subjek lain aku ok je..)
Kan bgus kalo aku pandai cam .. Gokudera..

aku rase dia ni sebenarnya dah habis belajar. @,@
Maksud aku dah graduated mane2 sekolah.. n oleh kerana dia nak jadi Juudaime’s righthand man, dia sanggup masuk sekolah junior high school balik. Ahaha… what do u think??? ^,^
Sebenarnya tahap kepandaian aku macam .. yamamoto...

Belajar baru pandai, tak belajar tak pandai lah! :P aku asyik enjoy ngan hobi aku jer… ^_^